Potential Wildlife Diseases

 Animals involvedTransmission pathwaysPrevention
RabiesDomestic and wild carnivorous mammals, including bats.Direct contact such as a bite.Seek vaccination before contact. Avoid contact with potentially infected animals
HantavirusRodentsBites. Inhaling aerosolized virus from urine, feces, or saliva.Wear gloves when handling rodents
Mosquito-borne EncephalitisMosquitosBitesUse mosquito repellant
TuberculosisDomestic animals such as cattle, sheep, goats, horses, pigs, dogs, and cats. Wild mammals such as boars, deer, and antelopes.Inhalation of aerosolized bacteria from urine, feces, or saliva. Consumption of unpasteurized dairy products.Avoid close contact with infected animals. Avoid unpasteurized dairy products.
Leprosy- Hansen’s DiseaseArmadillosInhalation of bacteria spores.Avoid close contact with infected individuals.
CryptococcosisBirds, such as pigeons.Inhalation of disease-causing fungus from aerosolized bird droppings.Avoid inhaling aerosolized bird droppings.
Raccoon Roundworm – Baylisascaris InfectionRaccoons.Contact with infected raccoon feces. Or consumption of infected raccoon feces.Avoid consumption of contaminated food. Avoid contact with raccoons. Call a professional to remove raccoons.
Rat-bite feverRodents such as rats and mice.Bite from an infected rodent. Consumption of food products contaminated by rodent excrement.Avoid rodents.
RickettsialpoxMites on infected rodents.Bite from an infected mite.Reduce mice populations near your home.
HistoplasmosisFungus spores released from dried bird or bat droppings.Inhalation of fungus spore.Reduce bird roosts near human populations. Clean out old roosts with the help of professionals.
OrnithosisWild birds, poultry, and pet birdsInhalation of dust which contains droppings or secretions of infected birds.Avoid breathing in dust that contains bird droppings or secretions.
PsittacosisWild birds, poultry, and pet birdsInhalation of dust which contains droppings or secretions of infected birds.Avoid breathing in dust that contains bird droppings or secretions.
Influenza Flu (H1N1)Wild birds, poultry, pigs.Inhalation of dust which contains droppings or secretions of infected animals.Avoid breathing in dust that contains droppings or secretions of infected animals.
Carecarial Dermatitis – Swimmer’s ItchWild birds and mammals that live around water such as geese, ducks, wading birds, beavers, and muskrats.Swimming in contaminated water.Avoid contaminated water.

source: https://www.crittercontrol.com/resources/wildlife-zoonotic-diseases

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