Difference Between Moles and Voles
Moles are usually mistakenly thought to be rodents, but that is not true since they belong to the order Insectivora. Moles have grayish fur, a long snout, small eyes and both their eyes and ears are hidden by their body fur. In fact, the mole’s general appearance would suggest they have no eyes or ears. The most conspicuous mole characteristic is their front feet, which are designed for digging and are described as being paddle-like. Their front feet also have large claws, while the back feet are much smaller but still have sharp claws. Moles feed on earthworms and some insect grubs in the soil and spend almost all of their time underground, rarely exiting their subterranean tunnels. The presence of moles is identified by raised soil and sod produced by their underground tunneling.
Voles are rodents, one of many animals in the order Rodentia. While moles and voles are about the same length, they differ significantly in almost all other characteristics, habitat and behavior. Voles have brownish fur, small black eyes, small ears and front teeth used for gnawing on seeds, bulbs, plant stems, young tree and shrub bark and plant roots. They have short tails and create surface tunnels/trails in surface grass or other vegetation as they move from their underground burrows to feeding sites. A vole system of burrows may have several entrances. These above ground trails connect the burrows and are often times serpentine in appearance. Burrow systems usually house several young and adult voles and are likely to be constructed under decks, piles of lumber or firewood, or similar kinds of protective cover.
While there are many do-it-yourself methods to control voles and moles, the most effective and efficient way to get control is to contact your pest management professionals. He or she will apply their experience and knowledge to rid your property of these damaging pests.