What kind of damage can squirrels cause?
Squirrels cause damage to trees in their forested habitat by chewing bark from branches and eating tree cones and seeds, thus affecting commercial tree seed and seedling orchards. In the urban and suburban environment, they normally cause minimal damage to trees and seeds, but can seriously damage electrical wires, short out transformers and chew holes in a home’s siding, fascia and soffit, any of which can cost thousands of dollars to repair or replace. Squirrels have been known to get into the electrical equipment room of a building and cause extensive damage to the heating and air conditioning system.
Squirrels can inflict some damage to lawns by digging holes to burry nuts in the turf. They also can chew on the bark and twigs of landscaping trees and bushes. Squirrels enjoy feasting on garden plants, especially fruits and corn. One of their most damaging habits is to destroy bird feeders in the process of getting to and eating birdseed.
Squirrels in a home attic may create a form of damage by interfering with the homeowner’s chances of getting a good night’s sleep. Squirrel activity in an attic space can generate noises that often cause anxiety and concern for the homeowner. Most tree squirrels are active in the daytime and quiet in the evening. Flying squirrels, by contrasts, are nocturnal and move around at night. Their nighttime activities can cause noise that interferes with the occupant’s ability to get a good night’s sleep.